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Civic Duty

What are the benefits of volunteering for an organization like the Nebraska Sunshine Project? Let me try to explain the importance of this civic duty.

The Nebraska Constitution states that: "All courts shall be open, and every person, for any injury done him or her in his or her lands, goods, person, or reputation, shall have a remedy by due course of law and justice administered without denial or delay...."

We in Nebraska enjoy a long tradition and commitment to open court proceedings. Anyone can observe.

Nebraska parents facing child maltreatment charges in the juvenile courts do not have a right to a jury trial.

Nebraska juveniles do not have a right to a jury trial, unless they are charged with a crime in adult court.

The United States Founding Fathers placed heavy emphasis on the importance of a person's right to a trial by jury, and yet, that fundamental Constitutional right does not exist for any person called before a juvenile court judge. The ever expansive juvenile court system, under the guise of rehabilitation, continues to undermine both the responsibilities and rights of parents.

Volunteer Court Monitors undergo training designed to familiarize each volunteer with basic information about court proceedings as well as the survey instrument used to collect courtroom observation data. Volunteers remain anonymous and are randomly assigned to observe in juvenile courtrooms.

The intent is for volunteers to gather data about the proceedings. Some examples of data collected: (1) Did the hearing begin at the appointed time? (2) Was the hearing on the record? (3) Was the child present? (4) Did the system stakeholders (mom's lawyer, dad's lawyer, the child's lawyer/GAL, caseworkers, CASA, etc.) attend? (4)What was the demeanor of the Judge?

If you enjoy civic participation and are interested in learning more about how the law impacts children and families, join us! The picture below was taken with a group of volunteer monitors at the Douglas County Courthouse in Omaha, Nebraska.

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